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Inside The Minds Of Authors

Aug 15, 2022

Happy Monday My Friends,

Welcome to Inside the Minds of Authors. I’m excited you are joining us today, my friends. We have a very special guest, my dear friend, and previous guest, Ms. Danielle M. Orsino. The talented Ms. Danielle is an epic fantasy writer and cover model.

This evening, she is sharing with us her third book, From the Ashes, from her epic fantasy series, Birth of the Fae. It is always a pleasure to spend time with Danielle and get an insight into everything she has going on. The universe she has created is going to blow your mind, and book three is a page turner.

Join us in this fun and captivating interview with this absolutely fabulous author. Her enthusiasm and love for her craft are truly mesmerizing. To stay in touch with Danielle and learned more about her series, follow her on   

As always, we would like to give thanks to our incredible Patreon Community for helping make the podcast possible. Just click on the link ( if you would like to join the family.

Happy listening,