Apr 3, 2020
The fabulous and fierce poet Morgan Fuller joins the show and shares one of her poems from her book "Cries of a Warrior." Regardless of your personal faith, Ms. Morgan free-loving spirit will captivate you. Ms. Morgan can be found at www.instagram.com/mogofuller or at www.amazon.com/morgan-fuller/e/B07S9L22RD ---...
Apr 2, 2020
The talented Ms. Fae James is reinventing the genre of the hardboiled noir murder mystery by adding a new element- fairytales. Ms. Fae gets our imagination flowing with a reading of her book "Alice in Underville" a murder mystery inspired by "Alice in Wonderland." For more info of this exciting author check out...
Apr 1, 2020
From "Granny's Porch" to "Grandpa's Shed," Tom's works will entertain as well as initiate the curiosity of little ones everywhere. This fun conversation with Tom C. Greer, children's author, explores his journey as a writer and what keeps him going. It also includes a reading from his book Granny’s Porch. Tom can...