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Inside The Minds Of Authors

Apr 9, 2024

Happy Monday, Fabulous Listener!

Welcome to Inside the Minds of Authors. A podcast dedicated to bringing you passionate authors with exciting books. This evening we have the pleasure of chatting with the talented author, Mr. Mark Morton. Mr. Mark is introducing us to his latest book, The Headmasters. A captivating YA Dystopia that would have you wanting more.

Other works by Mr. Mark Morton are Cupboard Love: A Dictionary of Culinary Curiosities (nominated for a Julia Child Award); The End: Closing Words for a Millennium (winner of the Alexander Isbister Award for nonfiction); The Lover’s Tongue: A Merry Romp Through the Language of Love and Sex (republished in the UK as Dirty Words), and Cooking with Shakespeare.

Mr. Mark has also written over 50 columns for Gastronomica: The Journal of Food and Culture (University of California Press) and has written and broadcast more than a hundred columns about language and culture for CBC Radio. Mark has a PhD in sixteenth-century literature from the University of Toronto and has taught at several universities in France and Canada. He currently works at the University of Waterloo, in Ontario, Canada. He and his wife, Melanie Cameron, (also an author) have four children, three dogs, one rabbit, and no time. To learn more about his works, check out his website at

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Happy Listening, DC