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Inside The Minds Of Authors

Jul 18, 2022

Happy Sunday My Friends,

Welcome to Inside the Minds of Authors. Today we have the talented Mr. Ed Chambliss, debut author, with a powerful non-fiction book. The One-Legged Stool is an insightful book that looks deep into the world of business.

Mr. Ed shares his three-year process to research and create this incredible...

Jul 10, 2022

Happy Sunday My Friends,

Welcome to Inside the Minds of Authors. I have the enormous pleasure of having my dear friend, the talented and hilarious Ms. Cris Burl on the program today.

This evening she is sharing a couple of excerpts from her 4th book in the Musings of a Deranged Mom Series. My friends, her ability to...

Jul 4, 2022

Happy Sunday My Friends,

Welcome to Inside the Minds of Authors. Today, we have a very special program for you. Instead of one incredible author, we are featuring seven talented novelists from the Luv-A-Palooza Summit. That incredible summit was organized by the amazing Ms. Aimee Ravichandram and provided the...